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Knowledge Sharing ePosters

Monday, 23 September
Station 6 - ePosters
  • 1515-1530 220765
    ScCO2 Foams For Geothermal Reservoirs' Stimulation: Impact Of Fracture Roughness And Temperature On Rheology
    Y. Samarkin, M. Prodanovic, D. DiCarlo, The University of Texas at Austin; A. Tajik, A.B. Wileman, Southwest Research Institute
  • 1530-1545 221028
    Enhancing Reservoir Model History Matching With Ai Surrogate And Ensemble Iterative Algorithms
    K. Hammad, A. Alturki, Saudi Aramco; S. Sudirman, Saudi Aramco PE&D; Z. Sawlan, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals