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Knowledge Sharing ePosters

Monday, 23 September
Station 1 - ePosters
  • 1515-1530 220789
    Modeling PDC Cutter Loads When Drilling Interbedded Formations At Constant Penetration Per Revolution Vs. Weight On Bit
    P. Pastusek, Pastusek and Associates LLC; M. Cherry, SLB; G. Payette, Exxon Mobil Corporation; R. Bijai, O. Gjertsen, B. Durairajan, SLB
  • 1530-1545 220983
    Accurate Measurement Of Relative Permeability As Crucial Step For Carbon Capture, Utilization, And Storage: Case Study
    Y.C. Araujo De Itriago, S. Devier, Intertek; P. Singletary, H. Watkins, Intertek Group PLC