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Artificial Lift

Monday, 23 September
Room 231 - 232
Technical Session

This session covers down hole compression technology, ESP failure analysis, innovative tapered multistage plunger lift tools, conventional and unconventional limits for artificial lift to enhance production, and improved operation excellence using innovative technology.

Session Chairpersons
Mohamed ElHady - Khalda Petroleum Co.
  • 1400-1425 220998
    Deploying Downhole Compression Technology To Enhance Gas Production And Reserves In Mature US Gas Field
    L. Nader, D. Biddick, C. Sellers, C. Young, K. Chen, Upwing Energy; V. Schoepf, L. Abbassi, Openfield Technology
  • 1425-1450 220818
    Field X Fail-less Strategy: Journey Towards Esp Best In Class Performance And Achieving Record Low Subsurface Unscheduled Deferment
    G.N. Al Shukaili, S.S. Al-kindi, S. Al Riyami, Petroleum Development Oman; F.S. Al Hatmi, A. Al Ajmi, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO); Y. Al Riyami, Petroleum Development Oman; M. Al Lawati, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO)
  • 1450-1515 220845
    A Comprehensive Feasibility Study Of A Production Technique To Lift Extra-Heavy, High-Viscosity Oil With An ESP System Demonstrates Improvement Of Flow Assurance And Oil Production
    E. Franco, N. Cardenas Sanchez, F. Leon, J. Pancho, J. Ortiz, E. Gomez, A. Huaca, X. Guerrero, J. Carrera, F. Izurieta, SLB
  • 1545-1610 220825
    Reduce Costs by Improving Reliability and Extending Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) in a Harsh Electric Submersible Pump-lifted Field
    L.C. Enriquez, C. Reyes Hill, J. Gallegos, R. Torres, G.N. Tagarot, SLB; E.Y. Batallas Riofrio, Schlumberger; J.L. Villalobos, A. Correal, SLB; J. Pancho, Schlumberger Artificial Lift; K.I. Andagoya, SLB
  • 1610-1635 220693
    When Conventional ESP Meets The Unconventional Limit: Putting More Power Downhole Safely.
    D. Harris, B. Partington, Chevron USA; J.A. Gamboa, Chevron North America E&P; L. Paiva, Chevron USA