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Advances in Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods

Tuesday, 24 September
Room 212 - 213
Technical Session
This session delves into cutting-edge approaches to maximize hydrocarbon recovery. The spotlight is on Novel Technologies that explore the intricacies of challenging reservoir conditions when using gas and chemical methods with attention to CO2 and surfactant floodings. The focus is to understand the observed phenomena from the lab to the field, and how to use these new insights to improve reservoir performance.
Session Chairpersons
Rafael Hincapie - OMV E&P Gmbh
Emad Al-Shalabi - Khalifa University of Science and Technology
Mariela Araujo Fresky - Shell Exploration & Production Co
  • 0830-0855 220852
    Utilization of Carbon Dioxide for In-Situ Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate for Conformance Control in Heterogeneous Porous Media
    C. Willoughby, M. Balhoff, D. DiCarlo, The University of Texas At Austin
  • 0855-0920 221024
    The Role of Miscible Gas Mixing on CO2-Enhanced Methane Recovery
    K. Yamada, M. Delshad, L. Lake, K. Sepehrnoori, B. Fernandes, The University of Texas at Austin; R. Farajzadeh, Shell Global Solutions International BV
  • 0920-0945 220726
    Experimental Study to Investigate CO2 Mediated Oil Flow in Nanopores
    D.A. Hegazy, X. Yin, Colorado School of Mines; R. Qiao, Virginia Polytechnic University; E. Ozkan, Colorado School of Mines
  • 1015-1040 220801
    Rethinking Surfactant Huff-n-puff For Enhanced Oil Recovery In Bakken: Recent Pilot Field Study Utilizing Multifunctional Biosurfactants
    M. Pearl, Locus Bio-Energy; E. Nelson, J. Rothe, K. Black, P. Muus, Creedence Energy Services; A. Dittus, Hunt Oil Company; M. Shumway, Locus Bio-Energy; E. Kakadjian, Locus Bio-Energy Solutions; H. Au Yong, Locus Fermentation Solutions
  • 1040-1105 220724
    The Behavior Of Microemulsion In Unconventional Reservoirs: Insights From Molecular Dynamics Simulation
    H. Xiong, Yale University; D. Devegowda, University of Oklahoma; N. Yuan, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
  • 1105-1130 220889
    East Nesson Bakken Huff ‘n’ Puff Enhanced Oil Recovery Second Pilot: Water-Alternating-Gas Injection Using Produced Gas and Water
    G. Pospisil, L. Griffin, M. Pearson, Liberty Resources LLC; C. Dalkhaa, Energy & Environmental Research Center; J.A. Sorensen, University of North Dakota; B. Kurz, Energy & Environmental Research Center; N. Bosshart, University of North Dakota, Energy and Environmental Research Center; A. Assady, Energy & Environmental Research Center; J. Zhao, University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center; M. Warmack, University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center; G. Ren, University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center; R. Giesbrecht, BASF Canada Inc.; G. Herman, BASF
  • Alternate 220922
    CO2 Foam Generation and Strength in the Presence of Oil at High Pressure and Temperature
    H. Halsoy, A. Graue, Z.P. Alcorn, University of Bergen