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Advancements in Drilling Technologies and Efficiencies to Deliver Tomorrow's Solutions

Monday, 23 September
Room 217 - 219
Technical Session
Oilfield drilling has seen countless improvements in drilling technology since the 19th century to date. The advancements target reducing costs of the entire well delivery process and improving production performance. Key areas of focus include engineering approaches to drill bit design, and drill string modeling.
Session Chairpersons
Lindsay Yellowlees - Chevron Drilling & Completions
Sharon Samuel - bp
Nnadozie Eze - Shell Petroleum Development Company Nigeria (SPDC)
  • 1400-1425 220945
    A Novel Solid Lubricant Designed Using Tribology Science Reduces the Torque and Improve ROP In Water Base Mud Wells In The Llanos Basin and Magdalena Valley of Colombia
    M.A. Ramirez, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company; T. Jensen, Drilling Specialties; M. Trebilcock, Q'Max Solutions Colombia; J. Castellanos Carvajal, Q-Max Solutions Colombia
  • 1425-1450 221043
    Shaping The Future of PDC Bit Performance - A Superior Approach to Hard Rock Drilling
    M.J. Bailey, A. Suleiman, S. Roberts, S. Doudou, J. Perez, M. Al Hinai, NOV; A. Rashdi, Petroleum Development Oman
  • 1450-1515 220828
    Enabling Rapid Bit Design Improvements through Automatic Extraction of Geometric Information of Used Drill Bit from Videos Captured on a Mobile Device
    A. Safarov, Y. Zhang, J. Cortez Juarez, P. Ashok, E. van Oort, The University of Texas At Austin; O. Stab, Mines Paris – PSL University; L. Gerbaud, Mines ParisTech; N. Velmurugan, Mines Paris – PSL University
  • 1545-1610 220749
    Comparing Open-source Drill String Models: Establishing Test Cases And Methods
    D. Yoon, University of Texas; E. Hamidov, University of Tulsa; L. Endres, CNPC USA; E. Gildin, Texas A&M University; P. Pastusek, ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Co; R. Shor, University of Calgary; X. Li, CNPC Bohai Drilling Engineering Co. Ltd
  • 1610-1635 220820
    State-of-the-Art Modelling Eliminates Drilling Dysfunctions in a Challenging Wildcat Ultradeepwater Wildcat Well
    P. Batruny, PETRONAS; R. Aguiar, R. Cruz, D. Barreto, G. Solar, SLB; M. Ahmad Shafei, M. Mohd Yusof, M. Ab Aziz, T. Monte Dos Santos, PETRONAS
  • 1635-1700 220813
    Efficient Drillstring-wellbore Contact Model And Implications For Real-time Modeling Of Complex Downhole Mechanics
    J.K. Wilson, Scientific Drilling International
  • Alternate 220789
    Modeling PDC Cutter Loads When Drilling Interbedded Formations At Constant Penetration Per Revolution Vs. Weight On Bit
    P. Pastusek, Pastusek and Associates LLC; M. Cherry, SLB; G. Payette, Exxon Mobil Corporation; R. Bijai, O. Gjertsen, B. Durairajan, SLB
  • Alternate 220694
    An Advanced Three-Dimensional Bottom-Hole Assembly Model: Validation and Application
    H. Zhang, Halliburton Far East Pte Ltd; K. Tian, Halliburton Far East Ltd; K. Bhaidasna, Halliburton