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2024 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference Best of the Best I

Tuesday, 24 September
Exhibit Hall B2-1
Special Session

This session will showcase the best papers/presentations from the 2024 Hydraulic Fracturing Technical Conference (HFTC). These top papers/presentations will showcase excellent case studies and the latest technologies in hydraulic fracturing.

Scott Taylor, SPE Paper #: 217815 - Validation Conductive Fracture Imaging with Cross Well Strain and Permanent Fiber Optic Flow Profiling

Carl Montgomery, Invited Presenter - When You Buy a Frac, What are You Buying?

Dan Dall'Acqua, SPE Paper #: 217822 - A Comprehensive Review of Casing Deformation During Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing in Unconventional Plays: Characterization, Diagnosis, Controlling Factors and Mitigation Strategies

Carl Montgomery - NSI Technologies LLC
Dan Dall'Acqua - Noetic
Scott Taylor - Reservoir Imaging Inc.
Jennifer Miskimins - Colorado School of Mines
Rebekah Shipman - Reservoir Data Systems