Stay at the forefront of the energy industry with these industry insights. Dive into a diverse collection of exclusive content, thought-provoking articles, and expert perspectives that will expand your understanding and shape your approach to the challenges and opportunities facing the evolving energy landscape. Whether you are an industry veteran or a budding enthusiast, this carefully curated content will keep you in the know on a range of topics and ensures you are continuously presented with the latest advancements in the energy industry.
Leadership has a critical role in ensuring that a desired culture of safety exists within an organization. Tom Knode and Thomas Hinterseer discuss key issues around effective leadership for safety.
SPE Lives
Listen in on how a large oil & gas operator made the decision to encourage young to mid-career petroleum engineers to become SPE certified.
The Permian Basin stands as a cornerstone of the oil and gas industry, both within the USA and on a global scale. Learn about recent advancements, field results, and current challenges and opportunities from active operators within the basin.
The monitoring of critical infrastructure is a crucial aspect of maritime security, involving the integration of various sensor technologies to create a comprehensive understanding of the environment. Dive into the details of this integration.
The Evolution of the Land Drilling Rig
Over the past 75 years, drillers have gone from the Stone Age to the Space Age when it comes to technological improvements in well construction methods.
Offshore Tech Evolves for Deeper Waters, Deeper Reservoirs
Since the late 1930s, the offshore industry has advanced from the first platform in 14 ft of water to the ultradeepwater 20K era.
Wells for Geothermal Power and Energy Storage, Too
Maximizing profits in geothermal energy may require the flexibility to adjust output as electricity prices fluctuate. Battery storage can ensure power is available when prices peak.
Trilemma or Opportunity? Leaders Optimistic About Industry’s Future
Collaboration and technology will help the industry meet its toughest challenges, experts said during the opening session at ATCE.
SPE Honors 2024 International Award Recipients
Each year during its Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE), SPE honors members whose outstanding contributions to SPE and the petroleum industry merit special distinction.
SPE Tech Talks To Be Livestreamed From 2024 ATCE
SPE is excited to livestream these thought-provoking and informative Tech Talks from the SPE Energy Stream studio at the SPE Annual Technology Conference and Exhibition, 23–25 September, in New Orleans.
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