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Well Intervention & Well Operations

Monday, 16 October
Room 217 C
Technical Session
This session features presentations from across the globe that detail successful well intervention achievements and also innovative experiences with well operations.
Session Chairperson(s)
Douglas Finley - Halliburton
  • 1400-1425 215160
    Non-intuitive Choke Control During Clean-up Operations Allows Significant Reduction Of Emissions
    B. Theuveny, K. Rashid, W. Bailey, D. Gemmell, SLB; R. Comley, Service Petrolier Schlumberger
  • 1425-1450 214877
    Continuous N2 Injection with Mini-size Coiled Tubing to Unlock Marginal Stakes in Offshore Mahakam Minimalist Platform
    R.A. Rahmadi, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam; P. Kurniawati, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam; R.W. Bogianto, Y. Abednego, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam; G. Dahnil, R. Marindha, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam; S. Priyono, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam; N.C. Adibawa, R. Hidayat, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam; K. Umar, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam; R. Rachman, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
  • 1450-1515 215169
    Successful Application Of Intelligent Completions In A Deepwater Gulf Of Mexico Water Injector
    H. Bolingbroke, I. Saripally, K. Webb, N. Gandhi, I. Askeroglu, R. Beecher, Oxy
  • 1545-1610 214771
    Best Practices Applied in Drill Stem Testing of HPHT Wells with the Presence of Very High H2S and Super Saturated Saline Water in The State of Kuwait
    B. Al-Ajmi, A. Al-Ateeq, M. Kumar, M. Abdulkareem, Kuwait Oil Company
  • 1610-1635 214770
    Novel E-line Robotic Method In Restoring Well Barrier By Re-establishing Communication With The Control Lines
    A. Faraoun, Ø. Knappskog, M. Benguergoura, Welltec A/S
  • 1635-1700 214933
    Cost-effective Innovation Qualified As Bi-directional Barrier To Support Well Cost Reduction, Eliminate Slickline Operation And Improve Robustness Of Interventionless Systems Application In The Market.
    A. Abu Bakar, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd; F. Yahaya, Petronas Carigali; M. Abd Shukor, Petronas; S. Ghani, F. Bakar, A. Ariffin, M. Rodzi, P. Sooriaprakash, M. Misron, S. Bela, N. Jailani, N. Idris, H. Zaman, N. Azmi, S. Mazlan, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd
  • Alternate 214823
    EMI Scanning Tubing at the Wellhead: What It Is, What It Isn't, and Is It Worth It
    A. Allison, C. Richardson, Oxy