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Strategies for Accelerating Emissions Reduction

Wednesday, 18 October
Room 217 D
Technical Session
This session presents some of the latest greenhouse gas abatement methods and technologies from across the oil and gas value chain.
Session Chairperson(s)
Linda Battalora - Colorado School of Mines
  • 0830-0855 215143
    Predicting Rig Engine Utilization Using Machine Learning To Drive Fleet-wide Emission Reduction Initiatives
    S. Poludasu, A. Groh, M. Snijder Van Wissenkerke, J. Harrist, Patterson-UTI Drilling Company
  • 0855-0920 215151
    Abatement Of GHG Emissions By Simplifying Field Architecture With Multiphase Flowmeters In Onshore US Shale: A Field Case Study
    J. Plagens, Ensign Natural Resources; K. Moncada, J. Thompson, L. Husoschi, B. Theuveny, SLB; A. Amin, Belsim ,S.A.
  • 0920-0945 214778
    Detection Of Leaky Pneumatic Actuators In Real-time For Fugitive Methane Emissions Management
    A. Adeyemi, R. Younis, M. Keller, P. Lynch, University of Tulsa
  • 1015-1040 214996
    Machine Learning Application For CCUS Carbon Storage: Fracture Analysis and Mapping in the Illinois Basin
    G. Liu, U.S. Department of Energy National Technology Lab; A. Kumar, W. Harbert, H. Siriwardane, NETL; D. Crandall, U.S. Department of Energy National Technology Lab; G. Bromhal, DOE; L. Cunha, US DOE NETL
  • 1040-1105 214974
    New Technology Reduces Carbon Emissions From Natural Gas Compression And Production Facilities
    J. Guoynes, D. Stiles, C. Vail, R. Stiles, Axip Energy Services; T. Kreuz, G. Pritchard, National Fuel Gas; C.R. Nolen Jr., J. Schmitt, Southwest Research Institute