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Reservoir Monitoring Technologies

Tuesday, 17 October
Room 217 C
Technical Session
The session presents innovative and novel technologies being developed along with their applications to field to better understand the reservoir behavior.
Session Chairperson(s)
Mehdi Izadi - ExxonMobil Upstream Oil & Gas Company
Mariela Araujo Fresky - Shell Exploration & Production Co
  • 0830-0855 214984
    A Recurrent Neural Network-based Solvent Chamber Estimation Framework During Warm Solvent Injection In Heterogeneous Reservoirs
    Z. Ma, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Q. Yuan, Texas Tech University; Z. Xu, J. Leung, University of Alberta
  • 0855-0920 214955
    Improving 4D Seismic History Matching Through Data Analysis; A Localised Sensitivity Analysis Workflow
    R. Amiri Kolajoobi, C. MacBeth, J. Landa, Heriot-Watt University
  • 0920-0945 215096
    Efficient Deployment Of Distributed Temperature And Acoustic Sensing Of Three Wells Using Fiberline Intervention Technology
    G.A. Alaseri, A.Y. Bukhamsin, Saudi Aramco PE&D; A. Garioch, Well-SENSE Technology; A. Abdulghani, Saudi Aramco NAOO
  • 1015-1040 214863
    Assessing The Value Of In-well Fiber Optics Deployment In Pre-salt Projects For Real-time Reservoir Monitoring
    P.M. Ribeiro, Petrobras / Texas A&M University; E. Gildin, Texas A&M University; A. Emerick, Petrobras
  • 1040-1105 214891
    Analysis Of Fluid-injection-induced Seismicity Using Dynamic Sliding Model With Rate- And State- Dependent Friction Law
    S. Ito, K. Furui, Waseda University; K. Tsusaka, INPEX CORPORATION
  • 1105-1130 215026
    An Intergrated Digital Solution For Well Shut-in Detection And Validation And Reservoir Pressure Estimation
    C. Soares, XTO Energy Inc.; A. Mohamed, A. Pareek, A. Vashistha, Y. Shivank, U. Dutta, ExxonMobil Services & Technology Pvt Ltd
  • Alternate 214903
    Multibarrier Integrity Evaluation In A Field With Active Faulting - A Case Study
    N. Kotlar, KAPPA Engineering; A. Castro Chacon, J.A. Jimenez Gomez, Ecopetrol
  • Alternate 214780
    Impact Of Well Interference On Transient Pressure Behavior During Underground Gas Storage: A Comparative Study
    H. Chu, University of Science and Technology Beijing; J. Zhang, School of Civil and Resources Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing; J. Li, Houston Formation Evaluation Center, Schlumberger; W. Zhu, School of Civil and Resources Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing; T. Ma, Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, SINOPEC; Y. Gao, School of Civil and Resources Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing; J. Lee, Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University
  • Alternate 215045
    The Use Of Chemical Tracers For Identifying Location Of Completion Equipment Failure
    B.B. Sennour, Murphy Oil Corp.; S. Lavoie, B. Williams, Resman