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The Future of Smart Fluids Technologies and Zonal Isolation Techniques

Wednesday, 18 October
Room 212 A-B
Technical Session
The future of smart fluids technologies and zonal isolation techniques does not lie in legacy and traditional approaches. The future is instead in the hands of the technology that can properly handle it and its evolution. To date, zonal isolation and fluids remain key objectives during well construction phase. Drilling hazards such as lost circulation or inflow events leads to not ideal casing design and cement placement success as well as contamination with native wellbore fluids. Introduced in this session is potential solutions to overcome lost circulation, advances in drilling fluids modeling and methods to compliment primary cementing.
Session Chairperson(s)
Jessica Paola Ramirez Angulo - Baker Hughes
Marwa Alqutt - Agiba Petroleum Company
  • 0830-0855 214801
    Application Of Compressible Carbon In Cement To Mitigate Cement Pore Pressure Reduction And Improve Zonal Isolation
    Q. Wu, B. O’Donnell, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company; D. Stiles, ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company; J. Benton, J. Freysteinson, K. Johnson, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company; C. Zhou, R.J. Robin, S. Koester, Superior Graphite Co.
  • 0855-0920 214768
    Mitigating Gas Migration Using Foamed Cement On Shallow Thermal Wells In Northeast Alberta
    C. Sylvestre, Sanjel Energy Services; J. Oliveira, Suncor Energy Inc.; H. Jiao, Sanjel Energy Services
  • 0920-0945 214788
    A Non-Portland Cement System: A Step Forward Towards Sustainability Of Oil Well Cementing
    A. Abdelaal, S. Elkatatny, A.M. Abd El Fattah, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
  • 1015-1040 215140
    Improved Well Integrity Using A Novel Fluid Technology To Overcome Large Fracture Networks And Permeable Formations
    J.M. Shine, A. Sowailem, Saudi Aramco; I. Gbemiga, Baker Hughes; F. Bermudez, Impact Fluids
  • 1040-1105 214829
    Drilling Offshore Wells with High-Performance Water-Based Mud (HPWBM) in Extreme High-Pressure / High-Temperature (HP/HT) Conditions
    L. Affede, Eni SPA Natural Resources Development, Operations & Energy efficiency; M. Giubertoni, Eni SPA Natural Resources Business Support; A. Ciuca, L. Bertoldi, L. Pinto Vieira, G. Carpineta, Eni SPA Natural Resources Development, Operations & Energy efficiency
  • 1105-1130 215126
    Casing Design Load Case For Shut-in After Worst Case Discharge Using A Progressive Depth Analysis Approach
    J.A. Howard, Altus Well Experts Inc.; L. Grant, R. D'Amico, BSEE; A. McSpadden, I. Kalil, R. Trevisan, S. Glover, Altus Well Experts Inc.
  • Alternate 214861
    The Role of Fiber Properties s in LCM Design - A Numerical Approach
    C. Henriques, A. Dahi Taleghani, Pennsylvania State University
  • Alternate 215040
    Modeling And Optimization Of Mud Cap Drilling For Undrillable Wells Due To Loss Of Circulation
    T. Saihood, University Of Houston; E. Al-Safran, Kuwait University; T. Nguyen, New Mexico Inst-Mining & Tech
  • Alternate 215163
    Geopolymer for Oilfield Application: Scaling-up Laboratory Test to Yard Test
    Y. Sazali, PETRONAS Research Sdn. Bhd.; L. Riyanto, PETRONAS Research Sdn Bhd; M. Ebining Amir, S. A Rahman, N. Zulkarnain, PETRONAS Research Sdn. Bhd.; A. Kishore Kumar, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.; C. Lau, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd; M.F. Zaidin, Petronas