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Formation Evaluation Applied to Field Cases and Unconventional Reservoirs

Wednesday, 18 October
Room 214 D
Technical Session
This session is intended to provide insights, present innovative technologies and application of formation evaluation tools and processes in field cases for both conventional and unconventional reservoirs.
  • 1400-1425 214819
    Cases Study Of Dielectric Logging In The Permian Basin: An Opportunity For Solving Petrophysical Challenges In Tight Formation
    H. Wang, A. Kostinovsky, M. Saneifar, chevron
  • 1425-1450 214766
    New NMR Porosity Correction Algorithm for Steady-State Buildup Effect in Unconventional Reservoirs
    G. Bordakov, S. Utsuzawa, D.F. Allen, Y. Karpekin, D. Rose, W. Troyer, R.J. Laronga, H.N. Bachman, SLB
  • 1450-1515 214981
    Combined Experimental and Well Log Study of Anisotropic Strength of Shale
    D. Zheng, S. Miska, E. Ozbayoglu, University of Tulsa; J. Zhang, BP America Inc
  • 1515-1540 214791
    Pulsed Neutron Logging Technique To Detect Bypassed Oil And Edge Water Encroachment In Complex Multilayered Reservoir In Caspian Sea
    Z. Zhangaziyev, M. Hashem, Dragon Oil Limited; L. Rouis, Dragon Oil PLC.; R. Kontarev, Dragon Oil Limited; E. Mollaniyazov, Dragon Oil PLC.; A. Blanco, R. Jafarov, Dragon Oil Limited
  • 1540-1605 215123
    Frontiering Ultra-deep Water Gas Field Development, Offshore Black Sea-Turkey: Solutions To Complex Well Testing Challenges And Proving Production Potential
    C. Ayan, S. Aktepe, K. Cig, M. Gökmen, A. Ceyhan, M. Tugan, Turkish Petroleum; Y.A. Shumakov, A.C. Dolu, B. Theuveny, SLB
  • 1605-1630 214797
    A Novel Workflow To Model Grain Sizeand Capillary Pressure By Integrating Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Well Logs Andcore Data: A Case Study For An Offshore Gulf Of Mexico Oil Reservoir
    V. Jain, slb; M. Hakimi Bin Daud, Schlumberger WTA Malaysia Sdn Bhd; M. Saidian, BP Exploration & Production; E. Soza, BP America Inc
  • Alternate 214958
    Thin Bed Analysis Workflow For Low Resistivity Pay In Clastic Reservoirs In The Permian
    D. Allen, SLB; A. Kostinovsky, H. Wang, Chevron; V. Lujan, R.J. Laronga, G. Wang, A. Chertova, SLB
  • Alternate 214921
    A Critical Review, Modeling, And Evaluation Of Petrophysical Properties Variation In Deforming Naturally Fractured Subsurface Porous Formations
    F. Civan, University of Southern California