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Core and Cuttings – the Ground Truth for Formation Evaluation

Tuesday, 17 October
Room 214 D
Technical Session
This session covers new and innovative approaches for incorporating core and cuttings data into interpreting formation properties.
Session Chairperson(s)
Keith Boyle - Chevron Australia Pty Ltd
  • 0830-0855 214858
    Barcoded NanoTags For Real-time Tracing Cuttings In Mud Logging
    W. Wang, S. Chang, M. Poitzsch, Aramco Americas
  • 0855-0920 215164
    Automatic Integration Of While Drilling Cutting Descriptions With Formation Evaluation Models
    A.A. Alakeely, V. Torlov, K.A. Qubaisi, M. Kanfar, Saudi Aramco
  • 0920-0945 215044
    Reconsider Your Unpreserved Core: Resurrecting Impactful Data Via Closed Retort Thermal Extraction
    J.A. Zumberge, N.C. Piper, J. Milovac, GeoMark Research
  • 1015-1040 215090
    GPU-accelerated NMR T2 Simulator Incorporating Surface Roughness Effect
    Y. Li, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology; W. Zhu, Tsinghua University; X. He, H. Kwak, Saudi Aramco PE&D; H. Hoteit, King Abdullah University of Science & Tech
  • 1040-1105 214847
    Pore Surface Roughness Quantification: From 2D To 3D
    Y. Li, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; X. He, H. Kwak, Saudi Aramco PE&D; H. Hoteit, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  • 1105-1130 215147
    Estimating Fractal Dimension As A Spatially Correlated Pore Structure Heterogeneity Measure From Rate-controlled Capillary Pressure Curves
    J.K. Daniels, M.T. Myers, L.A. Hathon, University of Houston
  • Alternate 215051
    In-reservoir Mixing Dynamics Over Geologic Time Of Separate Gas And Oil Charges In Well-connected Reservoirs
    T. Mohamed, UT Austin; M. Kristensen, S. Pan, K. Wang, S.S. Betancourt, SLB; C. Torres-Verdín, UT Austin; O. Mullins, SLB